Thursday, April 07, 2005

FC3 finally great distro

It is the revision/incerement time in our company and as always the increment is always less than what you expect.
Basically the problem I face is that in comparison to friends and relatives(maybe) I work for a dirt cheap CTC. Getting a job is also always difficult in my case.The same happened and I was disappointed with my salary hike a meagre 10-15%.
The salary recd by me is not commensurate with the amount of work done that too selflessly.
I was frustrated last night with the state of my affairs and helplessness I faced.I worked till late and hence slept late.
I got up early today and thought that I could atleast use this time to do what I love most "Running Linux"Yesterday night when I reached home my brother was struggling to resolve a GRUB error.
I new that I could resolve it but was tired and did not think about it at night.
Morning I got the chance and I booted my new FC3 installation.FC3 is superb. I havent seen anything like this in Linux. Even better than Ubuntu.Guess what I did today
1>Ran Kppp and it detected my modem's chipset without any probs
2>Connected to the net and browsed with Firefox.I had little time as i had to reach office and hence visited google and
3>connected to irc with Xchat
4>logged in to GAIM added my list of friends obviously no one was online.

getting near to becoming truly open source

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