Thursday, June 08, 2006


Found a link to gnuradio. Radio through software and i never knew such a thing existed. Would surely like to try it out when I have time.

Have started reading "Learning Python" in earnest. Have read very little, not even upto chapter 1. I had started earlier with python and had almost read 3 chapters but had left it due to lack of time. Now I am not worrying about time. I have decided on a target of 1 chapter per week, and even if this is not achievable consistently then "read whenever I have time".

Installed SUSE 10.1 from the LFY magazine cd. Did not have much time to work on it but the installation screens are superb.

Playing games with my kid from old CHIP CD's. All are demo versions. Played Superbike 2001,
NFS Hot pursuit, Road rash. Trying to run NFS porsche unleashed on XP.