Monday, June 13, 2005

Forgot to mention

Well I forgot to mention Debian 3.1 was released last week

Even after all the hype of a late release it is the top distro

Also FC4 released
Now I have FC3-Almost Full installation
Debian Sarge(25/4/05) Build only base and midnight commander added
Slacware 10.1 without GNOME or KDE but with fluxbox (stiil not booted)

Friday, June 10, 2005

Social Bookmarking the new in thing. I am constantly visiting this site
It spells delicious. I had found about this in Feb 05 but was not much interested. The interest arose again this month

You can add your bookmarks and share it with others. Super Duper Fundu stuff.

I have reinstalled FC3 and now Debian Sarge with only base and mc
installed mc with apt-get and just got a taste of apt-get

Will update soon hopefully